Submission Rules – SUBMISSION CLOSED
Before submitting your proposal, please read the guidelines below.
Proposal Format
Original proposals should be a pdf file not exceeding a total of 7 pages or about 4000 words, inclusive of figures, tables, references and all other material.
The proposals should use single spacing and not less than 10-point font.
References are required and must be included in the proposal document using APA style.
The pdf proposal should include:
a) Title, not exceeding 100 characters.
b) Abstract, not exceeding 125 words.
c) The pdf proposal should not include author names to maintain confidentiality in the double-blind review process. These should be included only in the designated webpage during submission process.
Submitting Author
The submitting author is the administrative manager of the proposal, with the following responsibilities: He/she must
- take the consent of all other authors before including their names in the submission webpage (not inside the pdf document).
- He/she must pass on to the other authors all information about the paper conveyed by the Secretariat.
Submission Process
The Submitting Author needs to be Signed-Up before attempting submission. Signing-up can be done from the Sign-up tab on the main horizontal menu bar of the Home page, or else click here.
Once Signed-Up, the Submitting Author will be taken to his/her dashboard, where they should click on the purple Proposals tile to start the submission process.
The last date for submission is 25 August 2024
You will be able to edit your title, track, authors and delete and re-upload your proposal on the submission website till you submit. Once submitted, your proposal will be frozen for review.
You may be listed as an author on a maximum of 3 proposals. This includes proposals you have submitted yourself, as well as proposals submitted by other authors where they have included you as an author.
As we strive to provide high quality feedback to all submissions, the conference may request submitting authors and their coauthors to come forward to review proposals.